Tim: The Invisible Man / The Invisible People.

Project Bio

Our story follows Tim, the main character, through a series of episodes, gravitating around his life. Also, PFP holders can Appear in such episodes and Earn some retribution for their participation in Tim’s story.


Tim: The Invisible Man and The Invisible People.

Follow Tim on a quest for meaning. Help him discover significance through other characters and places.
The story of Tim is a relatable story to everybody. Who has not felt the solitude of being in a massive city while having a just “normal life”, trying to find meaning in life, a purpose, a home? Tim embarks on his journey every day, trying to find something more to his routine, making friends, and visiting places in the city. Our story will portray other characters, represented by PFPs + utility, that will help Tim find his path among other citizens feeling invisible.
Each episode is composed of many scenes that will feature other characters and show how the whole story develops.
Tim is surrounded by others. PFPs represent characters, 3D modeled, that will escort Tim through his life adventures and resolutions.
You will also be able to decide about Tim’s story -if you hold our scenes- and change the story in many ways so it changes according to the wishes of the community.
In the end, you’ll have the possibility to earn the whole short film showing Tim’s life while you get to earn some retribution for your participation. Think of our project as an NFT film where your PFPS are actors in Tim’s life, granting them with some participation of the whole story.


You will be able to find & trade the NFTs of this project only on OnePlanet in a few months. So please stay tuned