MetaDiscs by MoSai Music

Project Bio

The Revolutionary Music NFT Format


What’s a MetaDisc?

The MetaDisc project is a series of unreleased music, minted in a new/ unique format. The challenge of designing the pieces rely on the creativity and acceptance of the musical artist. Graphic design and old school animation are used to finalize the .mp4 format. Each disc contains real world publishing metadata including Label/Artist/Format/Year Published/Recording Codes. A unique aspect of the MetaDisc project is that it is interactive. Press play, the disc spins, the music plays until it is over. Just like a vinyl record.
About MoSai Music
MoSai MuSic is a premiere optical, music & art label dedicated to uncompromised creative freedom in the physical and digital realms. The label was started by John Phillips, a native from the Island of Guam in 2018. Artists on the MoSai MuSic roster are avant garde and original in the infinite ocean of creativity. Much of the MoSai MuSic library has been exclusively released in physical format (vinyl) for artists such as Skinny Pablo, Lee “Scratch” Perry, ras dude, and others. We plan to use smart contracts to revolutionize the world of music, art, and business involving intellectual property.


You will be able to find & trade the NFTs of this project only on OnePlanet in a few months. So please stay tuned