Project Bio
Sustainable Fashion Metaverse Ecosystem
Nourishes existing physical and digital universes where we can build, create, enjoy, play, earn and shop in a sustainable way

FAME Fashion Launchpad is a key element of the self-sovereign funding and NFT management platform

FAME Launchpad enables direct engagement of potential customers’ cloud funding for each creator’s fashion design project
Fashion crowdfunding platform to meet both physical and digital fashion brand production needs
FAME Launchpad enables a synergetic integration of the creator economy and token economy utilizing Web 3.0 technology
FAME Launchpad can be operated through a community for providing the self-sovereignty to the participating members- To encourage active engagement in the community and thus to contribute to the creator economy, a utility based NFT (FAMEPASS) where the token acts as a digital passport of the membership can be used. Owning the FAMEPASS offers privileges and entitlements within the community, perks that ultimately drive its future value- The FAMEPASS will serve as the validation mechanism to identify whether someone is eligible for a certain benefit or incentive in the community(a loyalty rewards program). - As the community grows the NFT value grows as well, allowing members to truly have a stake in the success of the community.


FAME PASS: A utility based NFT (FAMEPASS) where the token acts as a digital passport of the membership can be used.
Owning the FAMEPASS offers privileges and entitlements within the community, perks that ultimately drive its future value- The FAMEPASS will serve as the validation mechanism to identify whether someone is eligible for a certain benefit or incentive in the community(a loyalty rewards program)
As the community grows the NFT value grows as well, allowing members to truly have a stake in the success of the community.
️ Rewards (Access to exclusive experiences, community and loyalty rewards etc.)
xFAME Marketplace enables a hyper connected fashion marketplace where e-commerce is strongly connected with metaverse/NFT commerce.
xFAME Marketplace is a hybrid type of NFT marketplace which nourishes existing Web 2.0 e-commerce and Web 3.0 metaverse commerce : https://xfame.net/ xFAME Marketplace is an example design of the Fame platform to provide a simple way of embracing digital/web3 fashion business for legacy/web2 fashion business
FAME META Studio digitalizes the patterns and designs of real garments, and sell them as the digital garments
FAME META Studio enables NFT based IP portfolio development for additional economic value creation. NFTs for the digital garments include intellectual property rights (IPRs) for each digital fashion creation.
NFT holders can generate profits based on IP usage feeNFT based IP portfolio can be used to create the secondary NFTs for representing various creation types such as illustrations, 3D artworks, and videos
Fame Token (FAMEG) economy is designed to support the physical e-commerce customers and digital e-commerce customers
The FAMEG is a token circulates throughout the FAME ecosystem and is a tool to activate the market. FAMEG is the only utility token in the marketplace It is used for NFT purchases, payment of fees and interest


You will be able to find & trade the NFTs of this project only on OnePlanet in a week. So please stay tuned